Monday, June 30, 2008

"I no longer rock."

Uhhh. So I made a discovery today.
I threw away all my shoes accidentally.

Well, not ALL my shoes. Just the GOOD ONES I WEAR TO WORK ALL THE TIME. Here's how I managed THAT moment of genius:

The other day, I had my daughter clean out the car because I was transporting her friends to the restaurant for her birthday. I told her to take everything out of the car that belongs in the house. So, she took a big garbage bag and threw it all in there and brought it into the house. She doesn't realize that I keep all of my work shoes in the CAR so that I can drive to work in comfy shoes and change when I get there.

Last night, I emptied out the fridge and there were a bunch of heavy garbage bags to take outside. It was SUPER hot outside so I waited until it was cool/dark to take the trash out (we have a dumpster). Feeling enterprising, I grabbed all the bags and threw them away. Wow, I felt good. All gone, garbage! Clean fridge! I rock.

Uh. Then I went to look for my shoes this morning and realized I tossed that whole bag of stuff from the car, with the rest of the garbage!!! I no longer rock.

SO! What does one do in a moment of panic? Oh yeah, cut to me shlepping out to the dumpster. It was PACKED full and there was no sign of my bag anywhere near the top. And it smelled. Really, really bad. Like, you know, garbage that had been sitting out in 95 degree weather.EFF!! EFF EFF EFFITY EFF!!!! Oh well, an excuse to go shoe shopping, I suppose.

(See, this is how I justify spending my stimulus check.)

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